Thursday, August 5, 2010

POTD: "Candy" water marbling

This is my first EVER attempt at water marbling...and I have to say I am pretty impressed, what with my eyes not being able to see much in detail and everything.
I know...I have to somehow get a lot better at cleaning the cuticles and around the edges but i promise I did my best :-(
If you don't know what water marbling is, just do a quick research on YouTube and you will see.
I used my base coat(name of the brand has vanished from the bottle from being handled)
then I did one coat of Color Club French tip so that the colours would be more vibrant
the colours I used for the marbling are: China Glaze Rich and Famous and Caribbean blue, and Colour Club French Tip.
quite satisfied with it.
will definitely experiment with more colours and "designs" in the future
Ciao for now


  1. Wow, that looks AMAZING. I can't even paint my nails myself. Stupid eyes lol.

  2. aawwww come over and I'll do you a great water marbling ;-)
    i know....faffing with nails and make up is SOOOOO hard for us, isn't it?

  3. It really is. Do you know what your vision is?

  4. I don't remember the specs for each eye but in general i'm 5/120
