Monday, February 25, 2013

Cocoa Brown tan - photos & review

I know, I know....a fake tan in a pink bottle is the LAST thing you expected to see on my blog...
It is no secret that I'm not a fake tan-aholic for a long series of reasons but I just HAD to try this one!
What mainly did it for me was the amount of rave reviews it got from bloggers and customers. But also a contributing deciding factor were the person behind it and the ingredients.
The creator of this tan(and soon to come other products) is a lovely Irish beautician, Marissa Carter, who's been in the beauty industry for years, owns her own salon in county Dublin and is often involved in the media sharing her knowledge. She also very successfully en
gages with customers on Twitter and I know this earns her plenty of kudos, and not just in my eyes.
Cocoa Brown 1 hour tan was developed with the best kind of vegetable derived DHA(the tanning agent) and with sensitive skin in mind.

Although I had read great things about it, I still was a little hesitant when I went to try it, Well....I need not have!
Upon pressing the pump to get some of the mousse out, your nostrils are immediately filled with the lovely scent of Tahitian Gardinia and it doesn't leave you until you wash off the excess. For research purposes I sniffed my arms, legs and chest every now and again, and didn't once get digestive biscuits shot up my nose: result!
Application is SUPER easy(trust me, if I didn't get it wrong, nobody ever will!) and pretty much dries as soon as you spread it so there's no standing around freezing your bits off.
Now here's the clever bit: this baby starts developing in ONE hour! So if you're only after a hint of a glow, off the shower you go! If you want a deeper colour however you only have to wait for 2 more hours. Yep, a nice deep tan in only THREE hours!
I was curious to see how deep it would go and this is the result of the 3 hour wait, after I showered:

 (please disregard my calves)

Nice colour, isn't it?! As the days go by it fades REALLY nicely, even if you're not pedantic about moisturising every 5 seconds. Note I typed DAYS, yes, DAYS: the colour is still lovely after FOUR days!!!
At €7.99 you can't honestly go wrong!!!

This product will make happy all those fair skinned ladies(and lads!) who have been e-mailing me asking for fake tan recommendations. You find the Cocoa Brown web site HERE and you can buy it on-line with world wide delivery HERE.